Activity 1: Facebook Identity

In case you forgot: 

As a group, review your "Facebook Page" and complete the following form by answering survey questions about it. The goal is to be unbiased, but honest while answering these questions.

You have 20 minutes to complete this analysis.

Facebook Pages

1. Riah
2. Will
3. Damon
4. Carlos
5. Christine
6. Elizabeth
7. Jessica
8. Jonathon
9. Karen
10. Korina
11. Mathew
12. Mia
13. Nick

Survey Page

Begin your survey here!

Activity 2: Culture & Math

In a nutshell: 

Here are statistics. Statistics are basic raw data with relevance, but no meaning to it without it become a stat. With a partner, your job is to select one of the following statistics and create a stat for it by using an appropriate stat statement. After creating this stat, you will produce a poster with your statement that visually represents: your stat, the relevance of your stat, and how it relates to American society. 

Example statement: 

According to the National Sloth Association, from 2000-2013, the rate of human fatalities inflicted by sloths have not increased from 0 deaths per year

Let's go!